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Meet Botha's Therapy Dogs!

Vito and Pearl 

We are very lucky to have two therapy dogs that join our school on a regular basis. Therapy dogs bring a unique energy to our building each day and spread joy throughout the day.  

Vito has been in schools for 5 years! He is 9 years old and had always been an old soul. While at school he enjoys his naps and pets from the students. He is low energy which brings calmness to the students. Vito not only has his therapy dog certification but he has also won many competitions in obedience and rally obedience! He even competed in dog shows when he was younger.

Pearl is our therapy dog in training. She is 4 months old and full of life which brings lots of laughter to the building. Having her in the building gives students a unique experience as they get to see her grow up into a certified Therapy dog and they can feel proud that they helped her build skills to get her certification. Having a puppy also means responsibilities, and the students are always eager to support Ms.Corpataux. 

As the year goes on we will be sure to update you on the adventures of Vito, Pearl and the students! 

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